Prelim Task

AS Openning Sequence

Tuesday 14 December 2010

learning from other films

Easteneders Denise is alive.(relevant 30secs in)The hidden basment or layer which is seen is similar to the one we are thinking of using, this is where i got my idea from and built up around it with a storyline, i began to think how can the character end up in a basement and then it came to me a thriller themed film on a mother wanting to commit suicide over her late daughters death. Also whitin this short clip it shows us i want the actor to look even through a silouhette. Also my idea of a light ray partly came from this clip aswell as from other clips. This clip has been very useful in congering up ideas.

learning from other films

Devlin- community outcast (relevant 3mins)From this piece i have opened my eyes to a variety of ways i could portray suicide. In the video the screens looks fuzzy, this helps to show how depressing the situation is and we may use this effect to do so. The black and white is again used mainly to a sad predicument, and it also makes it look more serious. In this piece we see the female actress pick up the drugs but not actually take it but see the results, this has given me ideas of how we can persuade the audience the actor has administered the drugs realistically. The camera shots were shots close-up and mid shots and this worked really well because it builds intensity within the shots. This has taught me keep shots very closed and detailed so the audience dont get distracted by the background. This scene is an example of how you can use no dialogue but yet still make your scene effectice and get your message across. This has shown me the types of drugs i should use to make my film realistic.

learning from other films

Phill on crack:The music in the scene has shown me that, if you do a drug scene the music dosent have to be depressing. The music used shows a huge contrast, to the activity they partaking in which plays with our senses a little bit. This scene relates to depression and so dose ours so as a director it gives me faith that my film idea is relavent an a actual realistic scenario. The first shot u see in this clip is the drugs layed it gives us another to show our pice, and is easy for the audience to get a grasp of the scene and ultimately what the story is about. Originally our story is placed in a dingey warehouse but seeing this scene has made me realise we could do it in a room of some sort, which may make our piece more practical and easier to configure. Also props wise this scene gives us an incite to what we could use to make our scene more real like bootles, lighters, elastic bands, etc.

Analysis of opening sequences

"WATCHMEN"* what are director’s aims?The directors aim is to show different types of superheroes and there personalities, and it also shows comic values as they take the picture. The director wants the audience to know the film is a comic.* What are the audience thinking, wondering, feeling, asking?The audience are probably bewildered by the song choice and the imagery, they are not parallel to eachother. They are probbaly feeling happy and excited for what is going to come.* How does this engage the audience?The camera zooms in and engages the audience, the music leaves you woundering what kind of film will it be, also you want to know why is there superheroes and what do they.* What are your favourite bits in these clips and why?The thing i like most is that, in the opening scene it opens as a photographer, its a way to establish the characters.

"DAWN OF THE DEAD"* what are director’s aims?Is to scare the audience, the title disperses like blood would. The red signifies an grousome and goury aspect of the film.What are the audience thinking, wondering, feeling, asking?The audience are probably scared, within the sequence it shows clips of people running during trumatic moments, you begin to wounder why are they showing people running?, what is there to be scared about?. Also the news bulletin solidifies the audience fares on the film.How does this engage the audience?The music has a message to it, and it helps to engage you because you want to hear the wording of the song and the imagery used is very fast, and flashy, therefore you try harder to concentrate on whats going on. The use of the red title engages us it signifies thriller, and blood to our minds.What are your favourite bits in these clips and why?My favourite bit is when the title turned into blood, and the news bulletin because from that i gathered what the story would be about, and feel without these to parts the onpening title sequence would not of bee as effective.

"ALIEN"what are director’s aims?The directors aims were to create an aiery effect,and try not to satisfy any cliche's.What are the audience thinking, wondering, feeling, asking?The audience wounder what kind of alien movie isit going to be, because it could easily be a Sci-fi or a thriller. The opening dosent really give anything away. They probally feeling optimistic.How does this engage the audience?Opening engages the audience because it shows space, and the audience want to understand the writters conception of space. Also people always want to know how aliens look like,k so the title ALIEN, is straight to the point and tells us what it is about.

Pulp Fiction - Drug Scene

This clip is from Pulp Fiction
The setting of it is in a room, a casual room. It shows us that we dont have to use a very grim room to show the use of drugs because in this room it is just in an ordinary and we can see the effectiveness of the scene.
The props within this scene vary from things like a spoon, a drug bag, to a lighter this is the types of things we are going to use in our film to portray a very grim and drug related theme.
Towards the end of the scene you have a lot of close ups, and extrem close - ups to show the detail of what they are, i feel i will use this technique in my film, because i feel this is effective way to show is important and a key factor within a scene.

First feedback

Deborah " I like the story line in general , the way it flows from present to past ,back to present"

Josh " I like the chronological order of the way the film is presented and the effect of the sillouhette used to portray Lauren"

Ms Nair "Powerful opening, good how it starts with present to past"

Josh " It would be more realistic to use a belt or rubberbands used to tie round her arm rather than cloth"

Abigail "To dramatic (..) unlikely for all events to happen to one person so young"

Ms Nair " Think about attention to detail , make it visually intense for example drugs and the baby objects".

Story board final

First draft of story board

Title ideas

This title is from a series called The wire, it is strongly drug related and is linked to our target film. I like the idea of the title because we can have headlines of people dieing and drug related themes and link it to our film, in the form of a title Forsaken. I like this idea and i would use it in my film if it was suitable


This is my moodboard, for my film Forsaken. The purpose of an moodboard is to show the different themes and colours that link in with your film. My film is verry depressing and sad and i've have showed this by the use of dark colours and depressing pictures. Even to the style of how i presented it you you can see the sinister side of it, through the old cinematic effect. I like how i presented my moadboard because it is done through a slideshow and i feel this is a great way to express the themes of the film. I also i feel this slideshow is effective because it has pictures which keep people intrested and also additional information to with it. My moadboard.