Prelim Task

AS Openning Sequence

Tuesday 14 December 2010

Pulp Fiction - Drug Scene

This clip is from Pulp Fiction
The setting of it is in a room, a casual room. It shows us that we dont have to use a very grim room to show the use of drugs because in this room it is just in an ordinary and we can see the effectiveness of the scene.
The props within this scene vary from things like a spoon, a drug bag, to a lighter this is the types of things we are going to use in our film to portray a very grim and drug related theme.
Towards the end of the scene you have a lot of close ups, and extrem close - ups to show the detail of what they are, i feel i will use this technique in my film, because i feel this is effective way to show is important and a key factor within a scene.

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