Prelim Task

AS Openning Sequence

Tuesday 14 December 2010

learning from other films

Devlin- community outcast (relevant 3mins)From this piece i have opened my eyes to a variety of ways i could portray suicide. In the video the screens looks fuzzy, this helps to show how depressing the situation is and we may use this effect to do so. The black and white is again used mainly to a sad predicument, and it also makes it look more serious. In this piece we see the female actress pick up the drugs but not actually take it but see the results, this has given me ideas of how we can persuade the audience the actor has administered the drugs realistically. The camera shots were shots close-up and mid shots and this worked really well because it builds intensity within the shots. This has taught me keep shots very closed and detailed so the audience dont get distracted by the background. This scene is an example of how you can use no dialogue but yet still make your scene effectice and get your message across. This has shown me the types of drugs i should use to make my film realistic.

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