Prelim Task

AS Openning Sequence

Tuesday 14 December 2010

learning from other films

Phill on crack:The music in the scene has shown me that, if you do a drug scene the music dosent have to be depressing. The music used shows a huge contrast, to the activity they partaking in which plays with our senses a little bit. This scene relates to depression and so dose ours so as a director it gives me faith that my film idea is relavent an a actual realistic scenario. The first shot u see in this clip is the drugs layed it gives us another to show our pice, and is easy for the audience to get a grasp of the scene and ultimately what the story is about. Originally our story is placed in a dingey warehouse but seeing this scene has made me realise we could do it in a room of some sort, which may make our piece more practical and easier to configure. Also props wise this scene gives us an incite to what we could use to make our scene more real like bootles, lighters, elastic bands, etc.

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