Prelim Task

AS Openning Sequence

Monday 13 December 2010

Location Recee


Script                    (Forsaken)

Slug –Internal – Dingy Wharehouse – Late afternoon

Setting of scene: in a dark abandoned warehouse with broken bottle everywhere the place is in a total state, there is know one in the room, but someone has been living here because there’s photos, needles, cigarettes etc on a table. 
Sound: We hear sinister music in the background, simmering gently raising in volume.
Camera Movement: There is a high angled pan from the top of the stairs; we see the back of a girl.
Camera Movement: The pan ends here. We get to a mid shot of her in front of a black door.
Sound: The music is slowly rising.
Camera Movement: There is then an over the shoulder shot of the back of girl and the door.
Camera Movement: There is a close up of the door handle and the girls hand is on it.
Camera movement: A mid shot of her opening, we then have an extra close up tilt and pan from previous shot. The shot will only reveal a small segment of her face.
Camera Movement:  There is then a long shot the girl walking towards the table. Then the shot moves in to a mid shot.
Camera Movement: There is now a long shot of the table, moving into a mid shot, then we see the next shot of a close up from the girls point of view. (The tile will appear here.)
Camera movement: The actor takes something from the table and we see an over the shoulder shoot of her looking at her next destination the chair. We see a long shot of her and the shot. There is a mid shot her sitting on the chair.
Camera Movement: There is then a close up shot of a bracelet and syringe in her hand. The there is a close up with her bracelet on. Then we see an extreme close up a photo.
Sound: We hear voice over of a mother and daughter when we the picture.
Camera Movement: We see along shot of someone’s are and syringe, then a mid shot of another photo.
Sound: We hear voice over of a mother and daughter when we the picture.
Camera Movement: We see a close up an arm and syringe being inserted. We see another picture burning a close up shot.
Sound: We hear voice over of a mother and daughter when we the picture.
Camera Movement: We see a pan of all the objects on the table, and then we see a pan of the arm and the bracelet, pan ends. Then fade out.