Prelim Task

AS Openning Sequence

Tuesday 14 December 2010

Analysis of opening sequences

"WATCHMEN"* what are director’s aims?The directors aim is to show different types of superheroes and there personalities, and it also shows comic values as they take the picture. The director wants the audience to know the film is a comic.* What are the audience thinking, wondering, feeling, asking?The audience are probably bewildered by the song choice and the imagery, they are not parallel to eachother. They are probbaly feeling happy and excited for what is going to come.* How does this engage the audience?The camera zooms in and engages the audience, the music leaves you woundering what kind of film will it be, also you want to know why is there superheroes and what do they.* What are your favourite bits in these clips and why?The thing i like most is that, in the opening scene it opens as a photographer, its a way to establish the characters.

"DAWN OF THE DEAD"* what are director’s aims?Is to scare the audience, the title disperses like blood would. The red signifies an grousome and goury aspect of the film.What are the audience thinking, wondering, feeling, asking?The audience are probably scared, within the sequence it shows clips of people running during trumatic moments, you begin to wounder why are they showing people running?, what is there to be scared about?. Also the news bulletin solidifies the audience fares on the film.How does this engage the audience?The music has a message to it, and it helps to engage you because you want to hear the wording of the song and the imagery used is very fast, and flashy, therefore you try harder to concentrate on whats going on. The use of the red title engages us it signifies thriller, and blood to our minds.What are your favourite bits in these clips and why?My favourite bit is when the title turned into blood, and the news bulletin because from that i gathered what the story would be about, and feel without these to parts the onpening title sequence would not of bee as effective.

"ALIEN"what are director’s aims?The directors aims were to create an aiery effect,and try not to satisfy any cliche's.What are the audience thinking, wondering, feeling, asking?The audience wounder what kind of alien movie isit going to be, because it could easily be a Sci-fi or a thriller. The opening dosent really give anything away. They probally feeling optimistic.How does this engage the audience?Opening engages the audience because it shows space, and the audience want to understand the writters conception of space. Also people always want to know how aliens look like,k so the title ALIEN, is straight to the point and tells us what it is about.

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