Prelim Task

AS Openning Sequence

Tuesday 18 January 2011

Q.4 Evaluation

 Q4. Who would be the audience for your media?

In my production ‘FORSAKEN’ my main target audience is from 15 – 25 year olds from around the U.K. It is equally targeted for males and females because the main character is a female, and because drug related are made mostly for males. I wouldn’t say my film has one specific ethnicity it, it varies for all races. I feel the social status from the majority of our viewers will be from the working class and lower class because it is mostly about these classes. People from the lower class and working class will want to know how they are perceived by other people this film will probably interest them. My main target audience will also be dependant on the state, or working many jobs due to there social class and the economic times where there is not a lot a lot of many in the country. Watching films in the cinema will not be a frequent affair for them due to there financial predicament, they would probably go 6 times a year where someone who is better off may go 12 times a year. I

 I made a film like this because I wanted to target the working class and lower class and I know this is a type of film they would watch because it’s mainly about their class. I also found inspiration for a film like mine from UNIVERSAL studios that normally make films for a large target audience such as ‘2 FAST 2 FURIOUS’, ‘HULK’, ‘ROBIN HOOD’, and even ‘NANNY McPHEE’.

The films that i feel my target audience would view are things life ‘KIDULTHOOD’ another urban film based in London dealing with the same sorts of issues as ‘FORSAKEN’, also ‘NOUTOURIOUS’ a George Tilman film, this is something they would watch because it is related to drugs based around a very famous urban person and because it based on someone black.

My secondary target audience would be the slightly older generation from the ages of 35 – 50 year olds. I feel they would be interested in a film like mine because they hear and read about the negativity of youth in lower class societies, but they don’t actually know the details behind it, also they can’t go to the streets and experience first hand but watching it behind the screen perhaps in a cinema, or in the comfort o f there own will be an educational experience and an enjoyable one. The types of social classes my secondary target audience will be from are the upper class, and middle class. They will most likely be from predominately wealthy areas such as central London, West London, and East Essex.  Also I feel many young women with children will be interested in my film, more due to the narrative because Lauren Ealing losses her child, so this type of issue will affect them and therefore perhaps make these young women want to view the film. The age range would be from 16- 24 year olds from lower classes, and from a black ethnic background due to the fact that the main actor is from a ethnic background.

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